Bartholin’s Gland Eyst Excision Using Hydrodissection and Bipolar Forceps Hemostasis

Document Type : Illustrated Surgery


1 Purohit General Hospital

2 Purohit General Hospital Bargarh Pin 768028 Odisha India

3 Purohit General Hopsital

4 Purohit General hospital


Aim: Recurrence of Bartholin’s cyst after various surgical treatments causes an unpleasant situation for the patient and the couple. To prevent recurrence, the present study described an operative procedure to excise the Bartholin’s gland cyst or abscess using hydrodissection and bipolar forceps hemostasis.
Patients and methods: In a retrospective study in our private hospital, we studied cases that had undergone excision of Bartholin’s gland cyst or abscess for benign indications by the described procedures.
Results: A total of 21 cases underwent excision of Bartholin’s gland cyst or abscess by the described procedures. All were in the reproductive age ranged between 22 and 40 years. Seven of the total 21 cases had history of previous emergency incision and drainage to provide relief of severe vulval pain owing to Bartholin’s abscess. All these seven cases had recurrence of Bartholin’s cyst subsequently and had to undergo excision of the gland. Of the total 21 cases, 14 had an elective excision of Bartholin’s cyst or abscess owing to vulvar swelling and dyspareunia and did not experience recurrence subsequently. None of the 21 cases developed postoperative hematoma, cellulitis, or abscess of the operation site requiring readmission. None of them had bad scarring or had subsequent dyspareunia following the operation. Median operation time was 17 min (13–23 min). None of the total 21 cases that underwent excision of Bartholin’s cyst had recurrence of cyst or abscess.
Conclusion: Hydrodissection with coagulation hemostasis may simplify successful excision of Bartholin’s gland cyst to avoid recurrence.


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